+ Author

Christel Grimbergen
Volunteer at the Basilica of St. Nicholas

Last edited

October 22, 2024

+ Images and credits

Reliquary with relic of St Nicholas, maker unknown, fourth century, bronze, velvet, stamped lacquer and bone. Gift from St Adelbert Abbey. Collection Basilica of Saint Nicholas. Photography Robert Westera.

Interior and exterior: photography Robert Westera.

Icon of Saint Nicholas, maker and date unknown, oil on panel. Collection Basilica of Saint Nicholas. Photography Robert Westera.

Placement of the relic on 5 December 2021, photo, courtesy of the Diocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam, Bishop Dr Jan W.M. Hendriks. Photography Ramon Mangold.

Saint Nicholas. Logo and design tattoo on the occasion of the Nicolas year, Henk Schiffmacher, 2021. Collection St Nicholas Basilica / Henk Schiffmacher.

+ Literature

Blom, A., Nikolaas van Myra en zijn tijd (Hilversum 1998).

Vankan, M., Heilige Nicolaas, bruggenbouwer tussen Oost en West. 1700 jaar devotie, legenden en Volksgebruiken, 3e herziene druk (Heerlen 2022).

Online sources

Reliek van Sint Nicolaas bijgezet in Basiliek (NHNieuws 5-12-2021)
Last visited 14-06-2024

Radio 1 ‘Met het oog op morgen’, interview met broeder Adelbert van de St Adelbertabdij in Egmond over de herkomst van het reliek
Last visited 14-06-2024

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