Tunnel builders will not start work until there is a statue of St. Barbara in the tunnel.
Public transport
Religious community
Roman Catholic Church
Wooden statue of Saint Barbara
Maker and date
Maker unknown
Ca. 2000
On display in the Basilica of St Nicholas, in the Joseph Chapel, to the right of the altar
Saint Barbara in the North-South metro line
Tunnel drilling is one of the most dangerous occupations in the field of construction. Tunnel drillers form a close-knit community with strong traditions around safety. Frank Otten, tunnel driller and former project manager of the North-South Line explains: ‘When all four tunnels of the North-South Line were drilled, the statue of Saint Barbara - the patron saint of tunnel builders - was therefore first consecrated at the starting shaft. This was done by a priest who then blessed the tunnel builders and the tunnel boring machine in the name of Saint Barbara. This Barbara statue stood in all four tunnels. When the tunnels were finished, I took the lady to the basilica'.
Who is Saint Barbara?
Barbara was born in the third century in northwestern present-day Turkey, the daughter of a wealthy non-Christian father. He locked her in a tower to protect her from harmful influences. When she converted to Christianity, he had her tortured. But her wounds miraculously heal. Thereupon he beheaded Barbara with his sword: she died on 4 December, presumably in the year 306. Thereafter, her father was immediately hit by lightning.
Barbara has always been a popular saint because she is a martyr, young and a virgin. She is the patron saint of miners and tunnel builders because of a legend. In that legend, she initially escapes her murderous father because a mountain took her in.
Barbara and Nicholas
Six kilometres of tunnel were drilled between March 2010 and December 2012, over 30 metres deep under the city. After the completion of the drilling phase, the Barbary statue was brought to St. Nicholas Basilica. There is a special relationship between the two saints whose feast days fall right after each other on 4 and 6 December. Barbara is sometimes seen as a companion and helper of St Nicholas.
Christel Grimbergen
Volunteer at the Basilica of St. Nicholas
Last edited
November 21, 2024
Saint Barbara, maker and date unknown, wood, c. 30 x 10 cm. Collection Basilica of Saint Nicholas. Photography Robert Westera.
Interior: photography Robert Westera.
Saint Barbara in a display case in the tunnel of the North-South line, Peter Bijkerk, 2011, digital photo.
Pfannkuch, H.O., 'Medieval Saint Barbara Worship and Professional Traditions in Early Mining and Applied Earth Sciences' in: E. Landa en Simon Ince ed., The history of hydrology, volume 3 (Washington 2010). 39–48.
Online sources
De Heilige Barbara
Last visited 17-05-2024
Tunnelboren van de Noord-Zuidlijn
Last visited 17-05-2024